Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mommy's Musings: The Least of These...

Today we went with our friends Don & Connie (from my office) to a local nursing home to give out goodies and spread some Christmas cheer. When I first said I would come along I thought of bringing the kids because I knew those sweet elderly folks would love the kids; I also thought it would be a great lesson in teaching Samuel that Christmas is more than just presents but its about loving others. As we drove to the facility I prayed, "Lord, let us be a blessing to them". What I didn't anticipate is how much I would be blessed in return.

Those folks were so touched by our visit and they did love seeing the kids. Many of them reached out from their chairs or beds and caressed Emmy Roo's arm or hand. One woman commented, "I'm so happy to see these children it almost breaks my heart". I was struck by the humanity of that place. These people are the fabric of our society, woven so deep that we don't even notice it. For it was just a few decades ago that they were running our banks, teaching at our local schools, nursing at our hospitals and defending our freedom. We owe a gratitude of thanks to these forgotten citizens.

As my family walked the halls today I remembered the verse in Matthew that reminds us what we do for the least of these brothers we do for Christ. I'm so thankful to my friend Connie, who came up with this idea because it turns out I needed the lesson more than Samuel; we are our brother's keeper... God is in the minority, He's in the forgotten, He's in the sick and lonely. When I sit amongst the "least of these", I sit with Him.

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