Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yesterday’s post is the perfect segue for the reply to one of the suggestions of what I should write about when I have a blog clog. Hot Jeff’s former flame and our family photog, the fabulous Leah, posed the prompt of what do I want “non-Christians” to get as followers of a Christian blog. This is a pretty loaded question and although I’ve thought about it for days and days I don’t know that I have a fully formed answer yet.

I’m going to write about it today but be warned that these are really discombobulated thoughts and most likely incomplete. I’m shooting from the hip which is indeed, my most favorite place to shoot from but I imagine that in a few days from today I will wake up in the middle of the night and wish I would have said this, this and this. Be prepared for Part Two.

First and foremost I would want non-believers to know that I love and serve a living God. He has saved me from the pit of hell and redeemed my life for His glory and His purposes. Above that, He offers eternal life to anyone and everyone who believes in His name and confesses of her sin.

I suppose another thing I would want non-believers to take away from this blog is that God has a sense of humor. The Bible (which incidentally I believe to be true and authoritative) says we are made in God’s likeness. Well…I have a sense of humor. You have a sense of humor. So that leads me to believe God has a sense of humor. With that said, I think God likes it when we don’t take ourselves too seriously and have fun in our lives. Fun with our family, fun with our friends, fun with our circumstances and fun with some of the pure CRAP that life hands us.

I want readers, Christ followers or not, to know that I am passionate about praying for kids. My kids, your kids, kids in your class, kids you see in a store or in a restaurant, kids in your Sunday school class, kids in your youth group, the kids who live across the street. I believe we are all called to pray for our kids; while some of us have different gifts and talents and are called to use them in different ways I believe God calls ALL of us to pray for our kids.

It is important to me that my non-Christian readers know that there is a difference between being religious and being a Christ-follower. While I don’t think there is anything wrong with religion at the core I do think that being more religious than being in love with Jesus can lead to legalism and um, well…piety. There’s that word again. Not being religious, but still being madly in love with Jesus has been incredibly freeing to me. For example, I love margaritas, I watch Grey’s Anatomy and I vote Democrat. I don’t think these are areas of sin in my life. The Holy Spirit, who dwells in me, may reveal those to be sin someday but I think what God is really concerned about is the condition of my heart and that I’m short-tempered, have a tendency to be judgmental and don’t love people the way He calls me to (and that’s the short list). I think it matters to God how I act and what I say not because of how I act and what I say but because how I act and what I say are reflections of what’s going on in my heart. Make sense? Like I said, discombobulated thoughts at best…

Finally, to all my readers, I feel so honored that you take time out of your busy day to read my thoughts. I promise I will never take that for granted and in doing that I’ll try to give you quality stuff to read. I hope that even if you don’t agree with me that at least you will feel it was well written and worth your time.


Della said...

That my dear sweet Jennifer was your best blog. You may have considered yesterday your best, but it was nothing compared to todays.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, my dear friend. As one of your non-Christian blog followers, the last two blogs describe why I read what you write. You are a talented writer and your wit and humor and tolerance shine. You are a gift. Love - B*****l