Sunday, November 9, 2008

Dat's My Mama!

We all got pretty excited when Shannon called at 8:30 this morning screaming, "you're in the paper!" Hot Jeff ran to Safeway and bought a dozen papers (I love that man) so we could have 2 for the kids' baby books, mail a couple to my Mom, Grandma & Bug. I guess that leaves us with 6 copies to read and re-read (or sell on Ebay)--guess we got a little crazy with the whole let's-buy-12-papers-thing this morning.
So we were a little jacked was great fun seeing my words in print and thanks to all you friends who called and emailed. It was given prime time newspaper real estate: Section C, page 5, adjacent to the obits--NICE! You can check out the "guest opinion" piece at or you can have one of our copies; we've got extras.

1 comment:

Fruitful Labor said...

See Jen! I knew you'd be a hilarious blogger!! Good stuff.

And I love that you call me Bug in front of the whole world. That make-a-me laugh.