Wednesday, March 31, 2010

5 A Day the 4-H Way

Sometimes I have these flashes of brilliance that even take me by surprise. No kidding. Yesterday I was lamenting to Bestie Shannon that my kids are going to grow up to be serial killers because they don't eat fruits and vegetables and then this morning I got this genius idea (I have yet to test it on them) to make little magnet hands that they could keep track of their fruits and veggies on.

Now while I may be a self-proclaimed genius my art skills are that of a 1st grader so I'm sure you can make these better. Nevertheless, I am seriously patting myself on the back for these beauties!

I covered them in contact paper and slapped some magnets on the back.

Then I used the clip art on my computer to make these little 2x2ish fruits and veggies. I colored them with colored pencils, labeled them and put more contact paper on them. I put a magnet on the back of each. I made 10 different fruits and veggies for each kid and put them in a ziploc (I know, a better mom would have sewed a bag) with their names on them. This picture is a sample of what it will look like at the end of a perfect and ideal day.

Now if I could just come up with a way to get them to eat them without me threatening them I would really be awesome!


Anonymous said...

that is FABULOUS!!! i love that idea and am stealing it from you! genious i tell ya, simply genious!
bestie kim

jana said...

Jamie Oliver would be so proud!

imbrownie said...

I think the hands look scary...but you did a GREAT job on coloring! LOL I love you Jen! GREAT IDEA and way to carry it out!!! Those kids will be just fine w/ or w/o their 5 a day...but you have made healthy choices for eating fun and interactive!
Love, Bestie Kara

Valerie said...

GREAT idea!! Love it! Now if only I was crafty enough to do this...
fruit snacks count, right? I hope so...I should buy stock in fruit snacks!

Anonymous said...

WAY Fantastic!!!! I'm stealing this idea as well! Thanks Jen!
Esther D

Fruitful Labor said...

I think it's a neat one for them just to understand that they should be having 5 veggies. You may not use this for too long but I think the visual will stay with them for awhile.

My thought on getting them to eat it is to hide some in their food. The book Deceptively Delicious will give you some ideas.

I made a lasagna last week and used grated carrots and V8 juice to add 2 extra veggies. Check it out Lighter Lasagna on Super yummy.