Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I have not forgotten about Part Two of You Had Me at Shelves From Scrapwood. This week is getting away from me with all the festive Spring Break playdates and museum trips we've been makin'. And because I am such a dork I lay in bed trying to fall asleep writing it in my head when really I should just get my butt out of bed and write it.

But oh it is so snuggly warm under those covers.

So its coming. I promise. I know you are waiting with bated breath but we have a zoo trip with the Campbells tomorrow and Hot Jeff gets off work at 11 on Friday so I'm not promising anything before Friday night.

Lastly, thank you, thank you, thank you for your wonderful and encouraging emails regarding PYKM. I feel so blessed, honored and humbled that you would take a minute and write and encourage me. I think I may take a week or two off to get some fresh ideas and vision and then I'll start it back up again. Please pray for me during this time that God will refresh me and give me His heart for our kids. Praying for my kids is still definitely a passion of mine and as Sensei Jen Roth wrote to me it is a wonderful way to keep me in Scripture and searching God's Word for His direction and will for our kids. So thanks again for being so awesome. You are the best blog stalkers EVER!

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